Credit Card Processing

Credit Card Processing
For Microsoft Dynamics CRM

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Credit Card processing from directly inside Microsoft Dynamics CRM, CRM Online, using your CRM customer detail to get instant approvals.

Use in the Order or Invoice CRM entities with high security made possible in association with popular Internet-based processing firm for transaction processing of all popular credit cards including Refund of payments.

Store customer credit card information securely within CRM field level security. Or for greater compliance to Visa card regulations and best practice standards, keep customer credit card information out of your company, remove liability and responsibility, but maintain accessibility to your customer order funding credit card information your selling transaction processes via the optional Authorize.Net Customer Information Manager (CIM) service.

CIM allows Authorize.Net to securely store your customer’s critical credit card information in their cloud without your CRM, or your company actually ever having it.

Access CIM customer secure data from CRM automatically, seamlessly, again securely as needed anytime, even repetitive monthly transactions.

Processing credit card payment made easy, simple for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 & CRM 2015. The credit card details store in CRM are encrypted to avoid any misuse of data. The merchants can fulfill the process of Sales at ease. Merchants also make Refund of payments either from Account or from Contact in CRM.

AVS or Address Verification Service used by banks and associated credit card processors to reduce risk of fraud and offers a lower processing rate.

The service is available widely in North America and Europe, and larger banks globally. AVS is a toggle either enabled or disabled, prior to transactions where address information is required in the transaction.

This is important to most organizations that take high value or high volume credit card transactions because if AVS is Used a lower transaction percentage fee is applied to each applicable transaction.

Feature Set

Order Credit Card Processing for Microsoft CRM takes advantage of the AVS or "Address Verification Service" that allows the lowest cost of transaction fees by observing the highest level of transaction security where the transaction requires the accurate billing address of the credit card instead of the security code. Transactions using AVS will be less costly than higher risk transactions run without AVS. Transactions that fail AVS still provide a verification and can be rerun without the AVS at the higher rate allowing all transactions to be processed at the best clearance rate. AVS or Address Verification Service is a toggle and restricted to some countries. It's either in affect or NOT in affect where address information is required in the transaction. CRITICAL because if AVS is Used a lower transaction fee is applied

Auto Repeat is key feature with AVS - can record failure, toggle AVS off, Re-run transaction

1st year maintenance included with email-based or Live Web Installation and Use support. Annual 25% maintenance for future feature editions, upgrades, and support

Partner NFR program, OEM, and custom development available from MTC to support unique needs

Options to make refund to credit card Payments from Account or Contact

Credit Card Processing ScreenshotsCredit Card Processing ScreenshotsCredit Card Processing ScreenshotsCredit Card Processing Screenshots

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  • Per CRM Organization
  • Per CRM Enabled User
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